This map shows the US land temperature of January 1st from 1900 to 2013, excluding the states of Alaska, Hawaii, United States Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and district of columbia. I coded this map as a project for Data Visualization class, the purpose of this map is to visualize the global warming (at least in US) in the last 100 years. The map is coded with D3 javascript framework, I'm still working on it and will keep updating the data for the coming years. This graph works best in safari and chrome, I haven't tested it in other browsers.

Use the slider to slide left and right to change years, the temperature of each state will be automatically coded in colors.

The US map geo data was retrieved from Global Administrative Areas. The raw temperature data comes from Berkeley Earth, and was retrieved through Kaggle, you can download it from the links below. In order to help the browser deal with the data faster, I separated each year's data into a signle csv file, which you can see in US Temperature file.

Download US Map data      Download Global Land Temperature      Download US Temeprature


<input type="range" id="slider" min="1900" max="2013" value="1900" step="1" oninput="outputUpdate(value)">
<output id="year" for="slider">1900</output>

#year {

	-webkit-appearance: none;

	-webkit-appearance: none;

//draw canvas
var canvas = d3.select("#canvasRow").insert("svg", ":first-child")
	.attr("width", 1100)
	.attr("height", 650)
	.style("margin-top", "1em");

//define colors based on min & max temperature
var minTemperature = -25; //-23.546
var maxTemperature = 25; //20.788

var color = d3.scaleLinear() //global variable
	.domain([minTemperature, 0, maxTemperature])
	.range(["#0000FF", "#FFFFFF", "#FF0000"]);

//create an array to store the selected temperature data
var temperatureArray = [];
var n = 0;
var i = 0;

function stateTemp(state, temperature) {
	this.state = state;
	this.temperature = temperature;

//create a variable to store the file path of temperature data, set default to 1990
var category = "../assets/images/portfolio/US Temperature/temperature by year/";
var year = 1900;
var fileType = ".csv";
var filePath = category.concat(year, fileType);

//load the default data and draw map once the html DOM is ready
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
	//read temeprature data from the 1990 temperature file, assign data to array
	d3.csv(filePath, function(data) {
		temperatureArray.length = 0;
		n = 0;
		i = 0;
		for (i in data) {
			temperatureArray[n] = new stateTemp(data[i].State, data[i].Average_Temperature);
			n = n + 1;
		temperatureArray.splice(48, 1); //delete the last null object in the array

	//read US geo data, draw US map, set each state the default color
	d3.json("../assets/images/portfolio/US Temperature/US Map.geojson", function(data) {

		var states = canvas.selectAll("g")

		var projection = d3.geoMercator().scale(1000).translate([2250, 1030]);
		var stateGeoPath = d3.geoPath().projection(projection);

		//draw & color states
		var area = states.append("path")
			.attr("d", stateGeoPath)
			.attr("class", "area")
			.attr("id", function(d) {
				return d.properties.NAME
			.attr("fill", function(d) {
				for (var i in temperatureArray) {
					if (temperatureArray[i].state === d.properties.NAME) {
						return color(temperatureArray[i].temperature);

		//append temperature texts
			.style("font-size", "0.6em")
			.attr("x", function(d) {
				return stateGeoPath.centroid(d)[0]
			.attr("y", function(d) {
				return stateGeoPath.centroid(d)[1]
			.text(function(d) {
				for (var i in temperatureArray) {
					if (temperatureArray[i].state === d.properties.NAME)
						return d3.format(".1f")(temperatureArray[i].temperature); //round decimal to nearst tenth


//create output function
function outputUpdate(vol) {
	document.querySelector('#year').value = vol; //show year when sliding the slider

	//read new temperature file, assign new data to array
	year = vol;
	filePath = category.concat(year, fileType);

	d3.csv(filePath, function(data) {
		temperatureArray.length = 0;
		n = 0;
		i = 0;
		for (i in data) {
			temperatureArray[n] = new stateTemp(data[i].State, data[i].Average_Temperature);
			n = n + 1;
		temperatureArray.splice(48, 1); //delete the last null object in the array

		//assign new colors and texts to each state
		for (var i in temperatureArray) {

			var statePath = "path[id='".concat(temperatureArray[i].state, "']");
			var statePathText = statePath.concat("+ text");

			d3.select(statePath).attr("fill", color(temperatureArray[i].temperature))
